Press Release 

Wichita State University Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology Adopts BibliU Universal Learning

Bibliu has been adopted by Wichita State University Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology (WSU Tech). Learn more about the solution for universal learning.

NEW YORK, Nov. 02, 2021 – Learning Enablement technology provider BibliU today announced that Wichita State University Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology (WSU Tech) has adopted its Universal Learning solution. BibliU Universal Learning brings together digital content from thousands of publishers and open educational resources (OER) on one platform, ensuring textbooks and courseware are available at a per-class price that is 30 to 50 percent lower than what students would otherwise need to pay.

President of WSU Tech and Vice President of Workforce Development for WSU, Dr. Sheree Utash, said, “At WSU Tech, we are continually evaluating solutions that enable student success, while also supporting our mission around equitable, affordable access to education. Having a digital-first platform that aggregates course content that our students can access from day one aligns with our strong commitment to being a leader in career and technical education.”

Numerous studies have underscored issues thwarting student success, with the affordability and accessibility of course materials ranked high on the list. Many students forgo purchasing textbooks due to costs. As colleges and universities seek to support students, BibliU’s cost-effective, easy access to course materials is recognized as a ready remedy.

Trish Schmidt, Dean of Academic Services at WSU Tech, commented, “Accelerating our commitment to digital content is a key initiative as we address the needs of our diverse student population. Before BibliU, the processes for finding, selecting, managing, and deploying content were manual and cumbersome. BibliU enables us to not only offer content at a lower price but also to streamline and automate our administrative processes.”

Dr. Jennifer Seymour, Vice President of General Education at WSU Tech, added, “There were so many different strategies to course materials, as well as numerous publisher relationships we needed to manage, each with their own processes and price points. We wanted to streamline this by working with one group that could provide access to materials using a tech-based solution. BibliU gives our students instant access to course materials at an affordable price.”

Another issue addressed by BibliU’s Universal Learning solution is the gap left by closed campus bookstores. In the case of WSU Tech, over the past several years, bookstores have been closed at all but one campus due to declining revenue. Seymour commented, “We polled our campus bookstore to determine how many students wanted traditional textbooks. The number was significantly lower than expected, which validated our decision to make this digital-only offering available. As a tech college, our students expect tech solutions.”

A content procurement and provisioning model where content is packaged with enrollment in a class, BibliU Universal Learning has a set per student per course price. With BibliU Universal Learning, textbooks and courseware are digitally distributed through learning management systems. Students enrolling in a course automatically gain access to the digital materials on day one of the course. With BibliU, students realize a significant reduction in course material expense, ranging from 30 to 50 percent less.

BibliU co-founder and CEO Dave Sherwood said, “Institutions such as WSU Tech, which are implementing BibliU Universal Learning, also experience substantial process efficiencies by streamlining and automating the workflows associated with identifying, selecting, procuring and distributing content – cost avoidance savings that can reach $500,000 per year. And, at the same time, publishers gain a consistent channel for their content.”

More information about BibliU Universal Learning can be accessed here.

About WSU Tech

WSU Tech is the leader in modern technical education in Kansas offering over 100 degree and certificate options in aviation, health care, manufacturing, design, information technology, police science, business, culinary and applied technologies. In 2018, WSU Tech was named the 2nd fastest growing college among two-year colleges by The Chronicle of Higher Education. WSU Tech serves as managing partner of the National Center for Aviation Training (NCAT) in Wichita, KS, and is fully accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is a Kansas Board of Regents institution. For more information, visit

About BibliU‍

EdTech innovator BibliU is defining the future of higher education by democratizing content accessibility. Designed to address the unique requirements of students, faculty, libraries, and publishers, BibliU’s learning enablement solution features digital content management, workflow automation, and analytics. With BibliU, colleges and universities can finally deliver on the promise of digitalization, guaranteeing all students have first-day access to the learning content they need. More information is available at

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